Senior Pastor:

Matt Martens

Pastor Matt has been serving as the senior pastor at Gateway Bible Church since September, 2003. He and his wife Carla have been involved in full time pastoral ministry since 1999. He served as a youth pastor for almost five years before moving here to Alberta. Matt & Carla have three daughters, Megan, Taylor and Madison, whom they lovingly chose through adoption.  Pastor Matt graduated from Millar College of the Bible in 2000.

Follow Pastor Matt on Twitter: @mateopelon Instagram: @meto.pelon or facebook

Associate Pastor of discipleship:

Bryce Letkeman

Pastor Bryce has been serving as the Associate Pastor at Gateway Bible Church since May, 2012.  He and his wife Karen met at Millar College of the Bible where pastor Bryce graduated in 2012.  They have been blessed with four wonderful children, Lexi, Jason, Ciera and Auston.

Follow Pastor Bryce on Twitter: @Bryce_AdamLee Instagram: BryceAdamLee or Facebook

Associate Pastor of youth: 

Joe Johal

Pastor Joe has been serving as the Associate Pastor at Gateway Bible Church since June, 2024.  He and his wife Brieanna met in high school at Brant Christian School, their son Jonathan joined them in January 2024.  Pastor Joe graduated from Millar College of the Bible in spring 2022

Follow Pastor Joe on Twitter: @johal_johal11 Instagram: joseph_johal 

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