Key Text: Ephesians 4:11-16
In Christ: Ephesians 2:19-22
Our goal at Gateway Bible Church is to be Gospel-Centered in all we do. For this reason, the purpose for why we do what we do begins with Christ, as He is the cornerstone of the entire Scriptures.
Pray: Luke 19:46
Christ quoted the prophet Isaiah in saying, "...My house is a house of prayer". If this is what the house of the Lord is to look like, our goal is to mirror that. We want to be people who walk in the power the Lord gives us, not our own. Therefore, we will be people dedicated to prayer.
Love: Matthew 22:37-39
We are called to first love the Lord with all that we are, and second to love those God has put around us.
Grow: Philippians 1:6
Spiritual growth is critical in the life of a believer. God has promised to complete the work He began in us. He does this through many facets, the greatest being personal time in the word and in prayer.
Go: Matthew 28:18-20
One of the last things Jesus said to His disciples was, "GO...". We are called to go into all the world proclaiming the good news of Christ; the Gospel is for every tribe, tongue, and nation! We are dedicated to this by supporting different missionaries, as well as sending out short-term teams both in our own backyard and abroad.
In Christ: pray. love. grow. go.